Amelia is one of many Ohio municipalities that has created a Mayor’s Court. This Court hears traffic cases, OVI (or DUI), driving under suspension (DUS), and other misdemeanors. Mayor’s Courts are presided over by a Magistrate.
The Amelia Police Department and the Clermont County Sheriff can cite first time offenders into the Amelia Mayor’s Court. Because Mayor’s Courts are not courts of record, a Defendant has the automatic right to appeal the case, regardless of the result. If a Defendant is not pleased with how their case turned out at the Mayor’s Court, the case can start over in the Clermont County Court. As Marty Hubbell says, “It is like getting two bites at the apple, which can be a great advantage to the defense.”
When charged with an offense in Amelia Mayor’s Court, it is especially important to retain a local lawyer who has experience working in these unique types of Courts. Because of the unofficial nature of Mayor’s Courts, the procedures and practical approaches to the case can vary greatly.
Amelia Mayor’s Court
Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Magistrate: Joseph Candito
Amelia Mayor’s Court convenes every third Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in the council chambers at 44 West Main Street, Amelia, Ohio 45102.
Directions: I-275 to Amelia/Beechmont Exit 65. Go east off the ramp on St. Rt. 125 to Amelia (becomes Main Street). The Amelia Municipal Building is located between the CVS Pharmacy and O’Reilly’s Auto Parts on the South side of Main Street.
Your court date will be listed on your ticket or subpoena. Further information can be obtained at Amelia’s website: